Marré : Lead Vocal & Piano

HEAVENESE leader, vocal, piano, song writer, and composer.

In his teens, Marré started the first free school of Japan, an alternative to the existing school system.He became an activist and a pioneer in the free school movement that counters the uniformity of the Japanese educational circle. 
In 1991, he released his first major album from a Polydor-related label. His song, "Pool of Siloam," was chosen as one of the top ten Valentine's Day special dedication songs.
In 1998, he started a multi-dimensional venue called "Kick Back Cafe."
In 2000, he authored his first book, "Is This Really the Person for Me?"which became a best seller.With over 170,000 copies sold, it remains one of the more popular books in its field.

Currently, in addition to being a musician, Marré pastors and leads worship services at Kick Back Cafe, writes books, provides marital counseling, and performs seminars. His seminar,"The Difference Between Men and Women, The Psychology of Relationships" has received acclaim.

Kumiko : Lead Vocal

As a 15 year old, Kumiko went to the US.  She sang in her high school's choir and began dancing. With hip-hop as her main genre, she was mentored by and worked alongside the renowned Regina Williams, and went on to pursue a career as a dancer and a fitness-instructor in Japan and the US.

Since marrying Marré in 1996, she has worked alongside him, appeared in his concerts as a vocalist and assisted in his counseling.  In 2005, she was called by Kaori Nara Turner to be part of the Living History of Kimono fashion show in Hollywood.

Ikki : Drums

A graduate from a renowned Japanese music college, became a Heavenese member shortly after uninvitedly jumping behind the drum and playing with the band during an event.

Idy : Bass

After his dramatic encounter with Marré, he changed his outlet of expression from beer bottles to the bass guitar.

Naoya : Sax

Jazz is in his blood, his grandfather was a famous clarinet player in Japan and his uncle a trombone player.

Maki : Background Vocal

Studied piano and graduated from the most elite music school in Japan, centers her post-graduate music career around being a vocalist of HEAVENESE, while working on her own career.


数々の演奏活動などを経て、2010年1st「想-sou-」2013年2nd「Deux VISAGES」をリリース。同年には自身で作曲した曲を自ら振り付けして奏で舞うという業界初のDVDミュージッククリップも発表。「歌・舞・奏」という独自のスタイルで日本の伝統芸能を世界へ発信している。

> 森永基木オフィシャルサイト


平成25年度 宮城道雄全国記念コンクール 秀位
平成25年11月 『伊勢神宮第六十二回式年遷宮』に於いて、箏の奉納演奏を独奏にて行う。
(伊勢神宮下宮遷宮館 勾玉池能舞台にて)




Arqese : Background Vocal & Rap

Rapper, basing his activities in LA, has his own group called Christside Souljahz.


以後ピアノ&ハモンド・オルガンを通して様々なバンド&ミュージシャンとのライブやレコーディング活動を経験。 これまでにソウル・シンガー「大上留利子&ジェニファー」のバックバンドメンバーとしてライブ、コンサート演奏&TV出演
CD「御手の中で」で編曲&ピアノ&オルガンを担当。 総勢15名からなる自己リーダーグループ「BIGEASY」を結成。 全曲オリジナルCD「Oh Shiny Day」発表。 全作曲&編曲&演奏を担当。 etc...
現在もオリジナル曲を中心に ジャズ・ゴスペル・ファンク・ソウル・ポップスetcで音楽活動中。
2022年3月 HEAVENESE加入


洗足学園音楽大学 音楽学部 器楽専攻 打楽器 卒業
2004 槙原敬之~cELEBRATION Concert tour 2004~
2005 ~同上 2005~にコーラス隊 エキストラパーカッションとして出演 兼 指導
2006 第57回紅白歌合戦にて『DREAMS COME TRUE』のサポートとしてマーチングスネアを担当
2010 International Percussion Festival in Seoul(IPFS)に岡田知之パーカッションアンサンブルで参加
2011 Taiwan International Percussion Convention(TIPC)岡田知之パーカッションアンサンブルで参加
2016 ラ・フォル・ジュルネ新潟『熱狂の日』音楽祭2016出演(ppp)・ 2017 日本テレビ『世界の果てまでイッテQ!』にドレミパイプの指導、出演(ppp)・ 他にも学校公演を全国各地で年間100公演近く行っており、子供達の情操教育にも力を入れている。
また『糖質オフスタイル協会 認定インストラクター』の資格も有している。
Percussion Peformance Players (PPP) 岡田知之パーカッションアンサンブル各メンバー
2014年2月 HEAVENESE IKKIのトラとしてサポート加入したのをきっかけに今に至る。